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Heart Health
Author name: Lee Health

男人来自火星,女人来自金星——至少俗话是这么说的. And when it comes to heart health, it’s true.  

这就是为什么今年二月恰逢美国心脏月, Shipley Cardiothoracic Center is opening its Women’s Cardiac Surgery Center (WCSC).

Lee Health医师助理Cathy Murtagh-Schaffer说,尽管女性和男性有许多共同的心脏病风险因素, 不断出现的研究表明,这些风险因素存在性别差异.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women 根据美国疾病控制和预防中心的数据. That’s about 1 in every 5 female deaths.


“Historically, 患有心脏病的女性已经像男性一样被诊断和治疗——用同样的测试, same procedures, and same medications,” Murtagh-Schaffer notes. “但澳门赌城官方网站知道,女性并不总是表现得和男性一样, 她们不像男性那样对某些药物和手术有反应,因为她们经常在疾病晚期出现, it can be a challenge.”

Indeed, the signs of a heart attack in women can be so subtle, 它们常常被误认为是不那么严重的健康挑战, such as acid reflux or the flu.


心脏病研究中性别差异的另一个结果是心血管疾病(CVD)在女性中继续被误诊和治疗不足. For example, 与风险匹配的男性相比,医生更有可能给女性分配较低的心血管疾病风险, 哪个低估了女性患心脏病的可能性, national data show.

“女性心脏手术中心旨在帮助女性确定她们与心脏相关的特殊需求和风险,” Murtagh-Schaffer says. “In collaboration with our cardiology colleagues, 澳门赌城官方网站可以开发多学科的预防项目来干预糖尿病, kidney disease, hypothyroid, 早患抑郁症和慢性阻塞性肺病,可降低女性患心脏病的风险.”

She adds, perhaps most importantly, 该项目还可以诊断心血管疾病高风险的女性, when appropriate, refer them for earlier surgical intervention. 因为女性往往在发病过程中出现较晚, 根据研究,手术结果并不总是最佳的. 

澳门赌城官方网站希望能够更早而不是更晚地通过手术干预女性的心脏病,因为研究表明这可以改善女性的预后,” Murtagh-Schaffer says. “WCSC旨在改善妇女获得心脏病预防的机会, 治疗和护理,同时教育保健提供者了解男女疾病状态的生理性别差异.”

The Center’s overall goal, Murtagh-Schaffer adds, is to empower women to commit to their self-care, to adhere to prescribed treatments, 实现改善生活质量的最佳结果.

Pay attention to your symptoms

心脏病发作的感觉往往因男性和女性的不同而不同. Even the risk factors look atypical. Women may suffer from nausea, dizziness, 而疲劳——不太常见的症状,更难识别,也更容易归结为不太严重的疾病.

Dr. Karla Quevedo 说女性报告的最常见的非典型症状是:

  • Neck, jaw, or shoulder pain
  • Upper back or abdominal discomfort
  • Heartburn, reflux, and indigestion
  • Severe anxiety or confusion

Other heart attack symptoms such as reflux, back pain, 或者只是一般的疲劳常常被误认为是由正常衰老引起的, according to the American Heart Association.

The big question: why?

Why do these symptoms occur more in women?

“这可能是因为女性倾向于在为心脏供血的小动脉中出现堵塞,这种情况被称为小血管心脏病或冠状动脉微血管疾病。,” Dr. Quevedo says.

这些症状也表明心脏缺乏血液流动和氧气. 奎维多补充道,这与男性不同,男性更容易受到心脏周围大动脉斑块积聚的影响,而斑块积聚通常会导致胸痛等传统症状.


  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Rapid or irregular heartbeat
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sweating
  • Dizziness

Need a Cardiologist?

澳门网赌官网网站综合治疗方案提供了一个各种各样的条件. Our Cardiology services page 是否已经准备好了开始工作所需的所有信息:条件, tests we perform, preventive care options, education, hospital services, new technology, links to pediatric services, and other essential information.

Want to find a Lee Health cardiologist in your area? Use our handy Find a Doctor portal.

Specialized Care and Clinics

The Heart Care Transition Clinic 是否有专门的医疗机构为刚出院的心脏病患者提供后续医疗服务. 李明博健康心脏和血管研究所的心脏保健过渡团队你的心脏病专家一起工作,以确保你得到你所需要的后续护理. 这对诊断为心力衰竭的患者很重要, 心肌病或心房纤颤患者出院后立即进行随访. Click the link above for more info and locations!

The Rapid Diuresis Clinic 可作为心力衰竭或容量过载患者的治疗选择.

The Shipley Cardiothoracic Center 在微创手术方面处于全国领先地位. Beginning with valve surgery more than 10 years ago, 希普利已经扩展到包括机器人心脏手术, 经导管瓣膜修复置换术及混合手术治疗心房颤动. Shipley是佛罗里达州第二大项目,每年超过1年,500 surgical cases annually. 全国公认的IBM沃森50强心血管医院, 希普利是佛罗里达州唯一一个连续四年获得这一殊荣的项目.

More Stories for Heart Month

  • Read about the different symptoms between men and women when it comes to heart disease.
  • Learn about patient-centered care.
  • Watchman设备有助于控制心房纤颤和中风风险.
  • 心脏瓣膜病的症状和危险因素.
  • Don't let anger affect your heart.

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